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Phish or legit - Can you tell the difference?

If a legitimate email looks like a phishing email, then how are you supposed to spot what is genuine and what isn't? John Shier takes a look.

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Posted by John Hawes on November 6, 2014


3 ways to make your Yahoo Mail account safer

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A simple but highly useful way to stay on top of important e-mail is to have Outlook display messages from different people in different colors. Here’s a quick rundown of how to set this up ......

Expecting important mail? Identify it as soon as it comes in by displaying it in a distinctive color. Start by select an existing message from the sender in question, if you have one. If you don’t, that’s okay; you can enter the sender’s name manually in a minute. Now follow these steps:

  1. In Mail, choose Organize from the Tools menu.

  2. In the Ways To Organize Inbox pane, click Using Colors on the left side

  1. In the first condition statement (we won’t use the second), choose From in the first drop-down list


  1. If you chose a message before starting, the sender’s name will appear in the text box to the right. If it’s the wrong name, enter the right name or the person’s e-mail address.

  2. Choose a color from the second drop-down list

    Afterward, Outlook will display all messages, existing and new, from the person you specified in the color you selected.


When sending emails to multiple recipients it is more prudent to only place 1 recipient's name in the TO: field and place the the remaining names in the BCC: field.  The BCC field (blind carbon copy) is used to hide these names from other recipients on the mailing list.  Some pelple don't like their email address visible to those they don't know (and to some they do know as well).  Using this method will prevent others from stealing/borrowing your contact list and adding them to their own.  In some instances unscrupulous people can manipulate the contact list for illegal means.

Another tip to protect your contact list is to place AAAAAAAA.AAA@AAA in the FROM of your contact list.  Programs designed to read contact lists read from top to bottom, when they encounter the string of AAA's,  this aborts the program because it knows that the email address is not valid and stops trying to read the remainder of the list.



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